Acquatherepé consists of a unique blend of naturally occurring minerals that provide a luxurious, silky-smooth experience for swimmers. The ingredients work harmoniously to provide an increased feeling of well-being and can also help to maintain or improve overall health and wellness. As an added benefit, you naturally absorb beneficial minerals transdermally while you swim.
So what's in Acquatherepé?
Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium and Borates
For the minerals to work effectively and provide all the desired benefits, such as feelings of relaxation, bather comfort and increased water clarity, the minerals need to be at the ideal ratio for a pool environment.
Acquatherepé dissolves quickly and protects your pool and equipment by reducing scale and calcium formation. It is suitable for most salt chlorination systems and is best used with glass filtration media for best results. Unlike many competitor products, which harvest directly from the sea (where natural forces influence the mineral composition), we know the exact mineral composition of every bag.
Acquatherepé TRANSFORM has been designed specifically to convert any existing pool to a mineral-rich bathing experience. TRANSFORM is the first step in creating the Acquatherepé experience and has its own blend to kickstart the conversion process.
You will notice that the difference between Transform and Acquatherepé minerals is the removal of sodium and the increased magnesium content. This aids in increasing mineral levels quickly and efficiently before swapping to regular use of Acquatherepé minerals for traditional salt-based pools and also allows Acquatherepé TRANSFORM to be used independently on liquid chlorine pools without adding sodium.
To learn more about Acquatherepé, try getting in touch with an AstralPool product expert near you using our Dealer Locator.